Break Free from the Bondage of Headaches-Dr. Brent N. Wall, Chiropractic Physician
If you suffer from headaches, you are not alone. 45 million Americans are suffering with you. Because so many experience headaches, many think it’s normal—but it’s not. It is not natural to have headaches daily, or even three to four times a week. Nor is it typical to take headache medication on a daily basis just to prevent or minimize the intensity of your pain. Standard headache sufferers experience headaches two to three times per year, each lasting about three to four hours. If you endure headaches more frequently than this, something is wrong.
The most common type of headache is a tension headache. This type of headache is not caused by a disease or serious pathology, but is due to trauma or poor posture that causes your upper vertebra and muscles to compress or irritate a nerve that starts at the base of your skull and goes right above your eye.
Knowing that the majority of headaches stem from these things means that there are actions you can take to limit the tension and decrease the time you spend suffering. Muscle tension headaches can often be avoided by maintaining proper posture and neck movements while performing your normal activities.
What Can You Do?…(read the rest of the story)
Originally published on Utah Valley Health and Wellness