Staying Fit For Summer – Travis Lott
The time is here. Summer is around the corner and you’re planning your family vacations! Most of us have a lot of things to consider as summer approaches. Soon the kids will be out of school, and summer plans start to interfere with the day to day regimen that was so earnestly established. How are you going to stay on target? I’ll let you in on a secret: You’ll more fully enjoy your summer, family vacations, reunions, and the many other activities planned if you have more energy and feel good for those fun packed months by staying consistent with exercising. Take advantage of the long days, keep yourself accountable, find weather appropriate workouts, and stay hydrated! Below we’ll go into further detail on each of these.
Lucky for us, when we set our clocks forward in March, we gave ourselves extra sunshine during the day and nice, cool, early mornings. Get out early for your exercise. You’ll feel refreshed and ready for a day full of fun, and you’ll skip the summer heat. If this time doesn’t work for you, wait until the weather cools off in the evening.
Next, ask yourself why you are working out…(read the rest of the story)
Originally published in Utah Health and Wellness