Therapy For College Aged Young Adults In Utah Valley

I often provide therapy or counseling for college aged young adults in Utah Valley. This is my speciality and what I love to do most as a counselor. Over the last two decades I’ve worked with many BYU, UVU and other students or young adults in this area of Utah. I will outline some of the more common issues that young adults in this regioun bring to therapy.


Young adults who need therapy often present with depression (Related Article: Depression in College Students). This can manifest in several ways. Often depression shows up in your motivation or interest. You might find yourself not as interested in things that you used to be interested in. It just doesn’t seem fun anymore to do what you used to do for fun. Depression also shows up as withdrawal. This can be a subtle withdrawal, like not hanging out with friends, or a more drastic withdrawal, such as dropping out of school. You might be sleeping too much or too little. Your hope for the future could be waining or actually gone. There are many signs that you could be depressed. Recognizing that its depression is important if you are going to be able to do something about it. If you can see it, you can change it. The trick is seeing it in the first place.


Struggling with anxiety seems to come with the territory of being a young adult (Related Article: Anxiety For College Students). You feel anxious about school, dating, deciding on a career, paying for your life, family and other things. Sometimes anxiety can be specific to a certain event or circumstance – such as a test. Sometimes anxiety can be more general where you simply feel nervous or you ‘buzz’ no matter what you are doing. Your eye might start to twitch or you might get stomach aches. Definitely, anxiety can be something big or small in your life. It’s definitely present for most all young adults at some point.

Social Issues

What’s more important to many young adults than friends and finding someone to be with? Social rejection might be more painful than physical injuries for young adults. Being a part of a group – being accepted, loved and validated is crucial to your development and health. Figuring out what group you belong to is going to help you develop your emotional and relational skills. This is crucial during this time as you launch from home and try to find your way through life. You need others to be there with you.

What Can You Do?

First of all, you can talk with someone. Not talking about difficulty in your life makes it more likely to impact you negatively. It’s a myth that talking about yoru problems make them worse. Most people don’t want to face things that are hard and eventually develop weak emotional and social muscles. Have you ever noticed someone like this? They struggle to address issues as they arise and get buried. It doesn’t take much for them to become overwhelmed and eventually check out. If you talk with someone about your troubles they can listen, give good advice and be there for you. It can be scary to open up, but is worth it.

Second, you can get professional help (Related Article: How To Help A Struggling College Student With Mental Health). A therapist is not a friend, however, they are friendly. A therapist is trained to assess your situation and apply proper treatment. They use methods that have been researched and found to be helpful, rather than just listening and offering advice. They can help you navigate difficult emotional situations in a way that will help instead of damage.

Third, you could read a self help book written by an expert about the issue you are struggling with. For example, books I often recommend are: Depression – ‘Feeling Good‘ by David Burns; Anxiety – ‘The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook‘ by Edmund Bourne; Marriage Problems – ‘Hold Me Tight‘ by Susan Johnson.

Call me today to see if we are a fit for therapy. I have been successfully working with young adults in Utah Valley for several decades now.

Written by Triston Morgan, Ph.D., Utah Valley Therapist

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